Web & Multimedia



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Alasdair Swan: I am a web and multimedia designer/developer based in Massachusetts. I have a Masters in software programming and am passionate about web design and music.

Experience: I designed/managed websites and created multimedia content at the University of Glasgow from 2007-2010. I am also a freelance web developer for small businesses and musicians.

Current: I am currently working as a Senior Interactive Developer for Sapient Global Markets.


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HTML & CSS Adobe Photoshop Adobe Flash & ActionScript Adobe Illustrator Adobe Fireworks JavaScript jQuery
  • HTML & CSS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • AJAX
  • Backbone
  • AngularJS
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator


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Quotesworth is an independent media company dedicated to the creation and distribution of socially relevant media content in the form of Audio/Visual Quotes of the Day.

Logo Design/Web Design/HTML & CSS/JavaScript/jQuery


Babies and Books is a literacy-based program for babies and toddlers held at various locations throughout North Eastern Massachusetts.

Logo Design/Web Design/HTML & CSS/jQuery

Madeline Grimes - travel writer (work in progress)

Madeline Grimes (work in progress)

Madeline Grimes is a travel writer based in New York City.

Web Design/HTML & CSS/jQuery


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Turning famous quotes into multimedia videos by animating text and images, writing and recording soundtrack music, and formatting video for the web.

Adobe Photoshop/Adobe Premier Elements/Reaper

MP3 Player

I designed and coded an MP3 player using Adobe Flash and Actionscript 3.0. The example playlist is music I composed and recorded.

Adobe Flash/ActionScript/XML/Adobe Illustrator


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Alternatively, email me at alasdair_swan@hotmail.com


Click on a circle to change the style of the website.

Site Info

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This website was coded in Notepad++, using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery & PHP. Images & icons were created using Adobe Illustrator.

The font Orbitron is made available by The League of Moveable Type, subject to the SIL Open Font License (OFL).

Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict

Copyright © Alasdair Swan 2011